Saturday, August 31, 2019

Health Care Communications Methods Essay

You are the communications coordinator for a national drug manufacturer. Recently, there have been reports of significant negative effects caused by one of your medications that are used by a significant population. News reports have alleged that one of the individuals affected is a well-known public figure. You are tasked with addressing the news reports and the general public regarding this situation. As one of the head members of communications at DrugsRus for the past 15 years, it has been shown firsthand the belongings of narcotic medications on our local population. These have been analyzed and investigated on a national level. It is only recently that the overwhelming craving to the drugs has become widespread within our area; spreading like weeds throughout the country. The increase of drug dependent patients and drug related episodes has resulted in a raised amount of attention and concern from the public. Taking all of this into consideration, overdosing occurrences from incompatible interactions with other medications; narcotic, controlled, or non-narcotic properties alike, have resulted in an exceptional need for change within our business concerning patient rules, regulations, guidelines and restrictions. Changes to otherwise generally agree upon medications as well as required authorization approvals upon external medication intake must be reconsidered. Some have been asked by our board members to develop a communication strategy to address these needs as well as the impact HIPPA and other regulations will have on this type of communication. The following will include the communication strategy decided upon to take as well as the encountered use of regulatory systems such as HIPPA, followed by the advantages and disadvantages of using traditional, electronic and social media for our healthcare communication. Furthermore, the reasons of each of the components of the communication strategies chosen. Communication Channels Although telecommunications is moving forward quickly at a distressing rate, historically established methods of communication in healthcare are still very successful. These traditional communication channels include face-to-face discussions, telephone calls, post mail, fax, memorandums, board meetings, and reports to name a few. Technology has raised the use of electronic communication methods which has in turn has paved the way for new kinds of social media communication methods. Electronic channels of communication include emails, text messaging, EMRs, two-way radios, instant messaging, overhead audio announcements and video conferencing among many other portable devices. Social media channels include newspapers, television broadcasting, online networking, advertisements, webcasts, and social media websites. Unlike using postal mail, utilizing social media and electronic forms of communication would allow the user to emit and obtain information simultaneously as well as gain feedback and reply virtually within minutes. There is always a need for previously documented communication, so advantages of traditional channels include the ability to record and obtain the message that was communicated at a later date for conformation and review. However, the disadvantage is that formal means are usually delayed, meaning the message may not be received until a later date depending upon the medium used, such as with postal mail. The advantages of electronic channels are that messages can be communicated online with ease as well as with the ability to save, download and store the information on a storage media for printing and accessing at a later time. This has virtually eliminated the delay of other traditional means by allowing for the same documentation but at an instant; as well as allows multiple, simultaneous access. Disadvantages of the electronic means can include invasion of privacy and possible security breach as well as it may not reach the part of the public unable to afford such devices or internet access. Advantages of using the social media aspect can attract the attention needed to promote a product or service intended or drive traffic to the intended website of services. This type of channel has the ability to bring people together from all over the world as well as allows each person to express their own opinions and ideas, providing well-needed feedback. Disadvantages of this method when not used properly or failed to promote the communication effectively can cause a permanent damage to the company’s reputation; as this mistake is seen in front of hundreds or thousands of people who also have direct and easy access of spreading their messages online. This way of communicating can also be more time consuming as someone has to be constantly checking in to make comments, answer questions, and reply to feedback. Regulatory Effects While healthcare organizations are responsible to adhere to regulations on a federal level such as with (HHS) Department of Health and Human Services and (HIPPA) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; they are bound by state, local, and some private accrediting organization regulations as well. Any method of communication taken in regards to internal employee and patient awareness as well as external partners, patient families, and the general public must obtain and maintain compliance with regulations set forth by all of the agencies involved. It is important to understand that under the HIPPA privacy law, any identifying information of any patient must have that patient’s written consent before their medical information can be shared. This includes the verbal, written, and electronic use in addition to, appointing a privacy officer responsible for compliance to these standards as well as the ability to identify all ways they intend on communicating the patient information (Osborne, M. Ed. ,OTR/L, 2002). One example, according to the Joint Commission and HIPPA, (SMS) short message service or text messaging is non-secure and noncompliant with safety and privacy regulations and therefore not permitted (Brooks, MD, 2012). In order to use social media channels the information must be DE-identified to maintain compliance with all federal, state and local regulations. Communication Strategy The guidelines, regulations, and restrictions reform will educate employees and target patients, to prohibit the use of adverse medications while receiving treatment at DrugsRus by informing them of the deadly effects and loss of life as a result, using counselors, nurses and physicians through in house meetings, group therapy, one-on-one sessions, automated voicemail messages, flyers, and overhead announcements as well as updated patient rules and regulations pamphlets distributed at the medication window, for the purposes of saving lives and promoting sobriety throughout the recovery process. Rationale for Components Educating our employees will be the first line of defense as our staff can educate the patients as well as enforce the new rules effectively. Counselors can discuss adverse effects of combining medications while in one-on-one sessions with patients. Flyers posted on the walls and offered at the check-in window as well as overhead announcements will catch the attention of patient entering and sitting in the front lobby. Group meetings will be held for patients to discuss changes and express their feelings about the new rules as well as receive feedback as to why these measures have been taken and were needed. Updated pamphlets will be given to each patient as they enter to receive their medication, ensuring every patient is made aware of these official changes. Voicemail messages will follow to ensure the patients at home will be notified of a change and will be opted to prepare for the transition. The object is to reach all of the sixteen hundred patients receiving treatment in enough time to save lives. Each passing day is another chance for an adverse reaction to take another life. In order to implement changes effectively and quickly, all measures of communication must be utilized. Summary In conclusion, as the opiate trend rises among our local and national population, the rise of deaths due to adverse effects of these medications has risen to an all-time high. It is because of the fatalities that a reform of the present patient rules, regulations and guidelines must be implemented and adhered to immediately. As communications officers, we have been asked to develop a strategy to address those needs. We have included some of the present communication methods as well as channels and measures with which to use them effectively. We have included some of the regulations surrounding the legal use of those communication methods. We have given a complete communication strategy which addresses who and what the communication strategy will involve. We have showed how we are going to implement the communication, where and the results of the communication strategy. We have followed up with the reasons this communication effort is so important to our patients and facility as well as vital to our community as a whole.

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