Thursday, July 25, 2019

Cold War Years Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cold War Years - Essay Example The strength of the country is based on its alliance with the United States, which has to be sustained in order to continue strengthening its position in the region (Forsberg 3). As a capitalist country that pursues a free market, it is essential to note that its alliance with the United States has helped it stem any potential aggression towards it from the Soviet Union. Japan has the advantage of having a ready market for its products in the United States and this has enabled it to ensure its continued economic growth while at the same time helping it stabilize it after the Second World War. As a result of its alliance with the United States, Japan has once again come to attain a preeminent role in the world and this is no mean feat considering the dire conditions in the country after the war. Japan has numerous threats both domestic and external that have a potential of undermining its position. Among these is the increasing aggressiveness of the Soviet Union in the Asian region. The Soviet Union shares a common border with Japan and this has a potential of conflict taking place as a result of a possible violation of its borders. Furthermore, Japan might end up being a target of the communist regimes that are springing up across the region as seen in Vietnam and North Korea, at the instigation of the Soviet Union. The history of Japan and neighboring states such as Korea and China prior to the Second World War has left these countries with a sense of injustice and hatred that might result in their choosing to attack Japan as a means of exacting revenge. It has therefore become essential for Japan to take swift action in order to safeguard its interests against those who would seek to undermine it. Currently, Japan does not have any conflicts with any other country in the region and the government should strive to ensure that the situation remains the same. Among the most

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