Friday, July 19, 2019

telecommuting :: essays research papers

Telecommuting Telecommuting starts with the lower level of the working class workers but with the success it has had it’s rapidly moving towards the executive level. There are two form of telecommuting the employers use today, one is home telecommuting which is a work arrangement the most people do this is working from home with a computer terminal utilizing today’s current technology by transmitting data and documents while working from home and maintaining a close contact with co-workers, managers, through the use of email, internet (instant messenger), and telephone and fax machines as well. Video conferencing using web cameras can also be an effective tool for telecommuting in order to help enhance for its employees and executives. The other form of telecommuting is center based telecommuting that involves the use of office space close to home where employees works without direct supervision, commute travel is still reduced and some of the disadvantages of home offices are remove d. Home telecommuting plugs into everything that is happening at the office just as if they were at the office. By opening your networks to the public and allowing your information available to the internet Co-works will have to access your information available with many different types of home equipment needed for home telecommuting that can be a little expensive at first to get started. Some of the different equipment that is needed is a computer with fax and scanner so proper communications are available, phone, high speed internet connection, a desk, file cabinets, and a web camera with an internet messenger along with video conferencing software. There are many advantages for companies today to use telecommuters in their day to day business operations. This allows business’s to cut corners and save money so that way more money can be spent on other projects which will make more of a profit, and help reduce the costs for gas and travel expense for employees who travel a lot. They also have a larger audience of applicants to choose from which allows them to sort out the for specific skill or education for jobs they are trying fill which later will help contribute to an increase productivity and promoting a happier staff giving more time to workers for family time at home. By using telecommuters who will be actually working at the office perhaps once a weak or so helps save on realistic costs because employees who work at home do not need offices and when they are at the office they can share cubicles with other telecommuters promoting less space needed to lease.

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