Friday, October 18, 2019

Early Neolithic Social Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Early Neolithic Social Organization - Essay Example The first one is Pre Pottery Neolithic which is all about the "true farming" that occurred where people were used to planting and harvesting wheat. Along with farming is the domestication of animals, also to answer their day-to-day needs. This stage was followed by the pre-pottery period where people tried to build their houses made of mud bricks. No long before they learned pottery which further improved their lives and this was the peak of the Neolithic period. The Neolithic period that slowly evolved along with knowledge and experience, somehow showed the presence of social organizations. The presence of hierarchies can somehow be traced through the burial grounds and an example of this is the one found in the excavation in Central Europe where some tombs were found to be different from others in a way that they looked more sophisticated and hard to make, suggesting that others could have afforded labor to create such tombs. Through the Neolithic sites that were explored, what were visible were signs of possibilities for group feuds where others could have been treated more superior like the leaders and the chiefs in tribes. These were more visible in the European Bronze age. (Wikipedia) Moving forward to the possibility of reconstructing the early Neolithic social o... As discussed partly a while ago, there were already the different kinds of tombs found during the excavation. These tombs will then connect us to their culture and social structure, ways and means that they tried to adopt in the past. But firs we try to define what megalithic tombs are and how significant are they to historians, researchers and archaeologists. Maximilian Baldia explores in his essay "Megalithic Tombs and Interregional Communication" how long and how significant these tombs are to us. He said that the closely five thousand megalithic tombs signify how people were connected in different aspects. He also explained that the presence of timber mortuary during the Neolithic period can and might have been the start of the small primeval dolmens in the Early Neolithic. "Furthermore, the popularity of the primeval dolmen may have arisen as a practical solution resulting from the need for suitable large trees required for building houses, palisades, boats and apparently even single-piece wagonwheels. Increased village size, more numerous fields, and larger herds of domesticated grazing animals during the later part of the EN C would have reduced the forests containing these timbers near the villages, making stone construction more cost effective. A decline in tree trunk diameter used in construction from the ENto the MiddleNeolithic (MN), has been noted in conjunction with likely woodland management and supports this argument. Therefore, stone chambers should first have occurred in areas where a large population would have been confined to limited land. The most likely place in the TRB culture area would have been the islands

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