Friday, October 4, 2019

Uneasiness Due to Less Commanding Novice Physical education teacher Thesis

Uneasiness Due to Less Commanding Novice Physical education teacher - Thesis Example This essay discusses that the experience of the teacher helps the teachers making plans for their lessons keeping in view the characteristics of the class and the attitude of the students. The experienced teacher is able to develop the task for classroom on the basis of their observation of the needs and behaviours of the children but the novice teacher has no or little idea about the attitude and behaviours of the students in the physical education class and their study plans and lessons are mainly based upon the written sources rather than real time observations.After implementing the lesson plans in the first class they have to monitor if there is need of modifying the plans according to the needs of the students. In this situation, the students are not getting refined educational instructions as the teacher has to spend more time on experimenting and testing his lesson plans rather immediately practicing them. The novice teacher often changes their lesson plans and activities on the basis of the class response that causes uneasiness to the students and makes it difficult for the students to easily adjust in the classroom.The decision-making strategies of the novice teacher are also different from the experienced teacher. Unlike the experienced teachers, the novice teacher doesn't have many strategies for managing the students in the class by facilitating their individual performances so the novice teacher mainly focuses upon the interest level of the entire class and make a decision on the basis of the overall interest.

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