Monday, September 30, 2019

Julian Assange; Hero or Villain?

Julian Assange Hero or Villain? The question of whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whose organization can be credited with releasing thousands of classified documents from various countries, is a hero or a villain depends entirely on one’s political opinions. Those who believe in transparent government and freedom of speech/publishing would call Assange a hero. Those who believe governments must have some secrecy from citizens would call him a villain. As a believer in the ideals America was founded on it is clear that Assange’s actions are heroic. He is fighting to keep the average citizen informed of any corruption within their government, fighting for the mainstream press to stop supporting the government’s views on everything, fighting to introduce the power of technology into a political system that has become outdated and corrupt. The United States is looked on as the ideal example of democracy. People have freedom of speech, elect the officials who represent them and the government works to benefit the everyday person. Right? Wrong. How can we try and set up a new government where the people are actively involved in countries such as Iraq when the average American doesn’t know anything about what’s going on in our own government. Julian Assange’s organization revealed 1,500 civilian deaths in Iraq previously unreported to the American public. (4) Our relatives are fighting for their country and we’re told that civilian casualties are going down when in fact there are 1,500 previously unreported deaths, there’s something wrong with that picture. Outside of the U. S. WikiLeaks has made an impact in Tunisia when they published remarks made by Ambassador Robert Godec stating that the government’s inner circles were corrupt. The leaks added with the already tumultuous anger at the government pushed Tunisians over the edge, and they overthrew the corrupt government. (1) Those who believe Assange to be a villain site his â€Å"vendetta† against the U. S. as the primary reason for distrust and hatred, but the publication of Robert Godec’s statements helped the U. S. gain power in the Middle East and succeed in their, â€Å"efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems†. Hillary Clinton) The leaks posted on WikiLeaks aided the U. S. more so than it harmed them, making Julian Assange a hero, not a villain. If Julian Assange’s crusade isn’t against the United States, then what is he fighting for? How about for the mainstream press to report more than one side of the story? The mainstream press refu ses to even acknowledge Assange as a legitimate journalist and publisher; in fact the freedom of the press committee of the Overseas Press Club of America in New York City declared Assange â€Å"not one of us†. 2) This seems odd when the duty of the press has always been to inform the people, which Assange is doing, albeit in an unconventional way. Take for example the war in Afghanistan, without WikiLeaks the public is subjected to claims that the Taliban is losing — and that al Qaeda has been severely weakened and yet we’re told that our country will have to stick it out until 2015, rather contradictory! Organizations such as WikiLeaks force the traditional press to acknowledge inconsistencies in Washington’s story. Although they do continue to try and control the narrative so that it does not radically digress from the official Washington storyline. Without the pressure put on by Julian Assange freedom of press would be declining, making him a hero, At least once a century governments encounter radical change. In the 1700’s it was the American Revolution, in the 1800’s it was the French Revolution, in the 1900’s it was the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution. What will the revolution of the 2000’s be? Governments have already been de-stabilized in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Who says that the protests won’t continue over to the United States? Protests in other countries happened because the systems were outdated and corruption was suspected. This is certainly true in the U. S. , where the government’s inefficiency is being blamed on outdated technology. Peter Orszag, the director of the Office of Management and Budget admitted that the gap between the public and private sectors results in â€Å"billions of dollars in waste, slow and inadequate customer service and a lack of transparency about how dollars are spent,† this â€Å"lack of transparency† is exactly what Assange is fighting against. (3) WikiLeaks forces the United States government to think about the extreme secrecy it operates under and whether this is the best for its citizens. Without Assange the â€Å"lack of transparency† would only grow, making him a hero. Julian Assange has been called many names; traitor, anarchist and even a high-tech terrorist, but the proper name for him is hero. WikiLeaks is an organization that truly works for the people. Keeping people informed with the inner workings of government, putting pressure on the press to acknowledge the truth and forcing change within government. WikiLeaks is driving journalism into the future and Assange is the driver. Sources: 1) Jackson, William E. , Jr. â€Å"A Liberated Press and WikiLeaks: Bulwarks Against Claims of ‘Victory’ in Afghanistan . † The Huffington Post. N. p. , 2 Feb. 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2011. . 2) Zapata, Xavier. â€Å"Is Julian Assange a hero or a villain? † World Have Your Say Blog. BBC, 7 Dec. 2010. Web. 2 Mar. 2011. http://www. bbc. co. uk/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2010/12/is_julian_assange_a_hero_or_vi. html 3) Swanson, Ian. â€Å"Budget director blames old computers for ineffective government. † The Hill. Capital Hill Publishing Co. , 14 Jan. 2010. Web. 6 Mar. 2011. . 4) Assange, Julian. â€Å"Julian Assange; The Man Behind WikiLeaks. † Interview by Steve Kroft. 60 Minutes. CBS News. 30 Jan. 2011. CBS News. Web. 6 Mar. 2011. .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Health as a human right Essay

The observed recent advancement in preventive, primary health care, early intervention programs, coordinated health care trials in Australia as well a the population health developments have tried to explore the possibility of changing the current emphasis of health care from the responsive acute care to the more integrated system where the entire whole population is managed for the well being of all (Michael2003). In this concept it is thus generally accepted that much of the illnesses experienced in the communities are preventable or can be managed in a more constructive manner rather than the way it has been up to today. From this view therefore, much of the disabling illnesses need not occur but rather be avoided through the better managed models, lifestyle changes and education programs (Hugh 2003). Health and wellbeing In this modern world that is becoming more and more business oriented, the idea of prevention rather than cure seems to be more appealing due to the quality of life that the individual leads as well as the health outcomes in general (Flowers 2002). A costly health care is avoided when prevention is given the first priority while at the same time helping the community to better understand how to live a more fulfilling life (Keyes 2002). The opposite to prevention would to continue to respond to the emerging health problems at a much more expense and to thus accept that a great amount of GDP would be spent on health care not forgetting that this would degrade the quality of life that the citizen lead. It is in this light therefore that the concept of a better sustainable natural health environment turns out to be even more appealing hence carrying a greater part of the community priorities (Hugh 2003). This calls for a greater consumer participation where the awareness of what supports a healthy/unhealthy lifestyle is taught to all. But though very attractive, one realistically questions if this is a workable context (Michael2003). It has been noted that the social inequality is increasingly characterizing the Australian society and thus the main concern here is that the economy may not be able in the future to support the living standards that the Australians are used to (Richard2002). For the rural communities, the problems seem be doubled. In the rural communities, the wealth that they used to create is diminishing and what used to be the rural production in Australia is now continuously being replaced with a dominating mineral industry. It was only until the early 1980s that agricultural products used to be the single most important source of income for most of the Australian community. The rapid growth of the mineral industry has replaced agriculture to an extent that the earnings from mining nearly double those from agriculture (Hugh 2003). This reduced generation of income in the rural community implies that the distribution of wealth will definitely be affected (Flowers 2002). Some observers have linked a sustainable economy to a sustainable health. Australia is however still not yet a nation that does recognize the great importance of linking the wellbeing of the general community to the economic activities (Smart and Sanson 2005). Though this be the case, the European population could maybe be regarded as the healthiest population as it enjoys a life expectancy of over 80 years (Keyes 2002). Good health and expanding economies are two ideas that are mutually compatible and thus are able to co-exist though this is not yet achieved. From this perception thus, a principle of sustainability in an environmental and economic sense can be generated and be considered to apply both equally to the ideology of shaping the health care system as well as coming up with a preventive approach to the wellbeing of the community (Hugh 2003). The Australian health system has like the education system become institutionalized and thus does no longer serve the community needs (Flowers 2002). In this regard, it is no longer able to respond to the values of as well as aspirations of the people but on the centrally alienates them from the control of their own values and consciousness (Keyes 2002). This has been the case since when the health system are under the control of institutions, then the power of the individual to determine how they exists within these structure is lost and with this kind of loss, such society ills as stigma cannot be avoided (Michael2003). It is within these communities where a strong move towards an economically rational view of capital as well as of service provision is upheld (Richard2002). In this view when the health system is seen as a ‘marketable good’ just any sector such as education, then the view of taking health care to be a public good cannot be put in question. From the WORLD health Organization, health is defined as the state of complete mental, physical, social well being and thus not just the absence of an infirmity or disease (Smart and Sanson 2005). Since most of the modern perspective is financially based, then even the health system is planed from this perspective. It is not possible to attain the vision of a well society while at the same time one is not realistically considering the all elements that would be required to make such a realization a possibility (Hugh 2003). It is within the human rights framework where the guidance of how to respond to the public health challenges is supposed to come from. Wellbeing is often measure interms of satisfaction in life and happiness (Richard2002). Wellbeing is actually about having and maintaining a meaning in life; being able to fulfill our potential and thus feel that our lives are a worthwhile. Our subjective or personal wellbeing is usually determined by our genes, social conditions, personal choices and circumstances as well as the complex manner in which all of these interact with one another (Flowers 2002). By affecting our personality, genes influence our wellbeing. This could thus translate to such traits as neuroticism and extraversion that are all associated with a lower and higher wellbeing respectively (Keyes 2002). Since the genetic influences here are not immutable or fixed, they are frequently shaped by the environment, upbringing, general conditions of life and the personal experiences. In regard to health, most of the characteristic and qualities that are related to the wellbeing of a person are also related to the health of the individual. Thus wellbeing has been regarded as one that does play a central role in enhancing health through the direct effect in such processes as the immune system, physiology, diet, exercise, drinking, smoking and other lifestyle behavior (Michael2003). The question of what cause what then emerges (Hugh 2003). A human right approach Human rights can be considered from two levels. First from the international system of treaties and from a conceptual framework that shapes the action (Richard2002). In Australia, the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) is what is concerned with the voicing the concerns of health consumers. Being an independent non-governmental organization it mainly shapes the Australian health system by having the consumers involved in the health policies (Smart and Sanson 2005). If the health sector and the wellbeing of the citizens is taken from a wider view, then it is possible to invest more resources in a more effective manner so as to optimize these benefits to the whole community (Flowers 2002). Adopting this concept would require the identification of some of the key elements that would encompass a healthy society from which it would be expected that health individuals would live in. some of these concepts include but are not limited to; 1. recognizing the impact and role of work in the wellbeing of the individuals. 2. enhancing more consumer participation and improving community education. 3. Coming up with policies that will enhance a healthy sustainable environment both social and natural. 4. ecognizing the major role that the lifestyle choice plays in enhancing the community as well as individuals wellbeing. 5. implementing early prevention and intervention programs in a more extensive manner rather than having to wait to have endpoint interventions. 6. promoting the idea of having to a lead a qualitative kind of life as opposed to the quantitative view. Such a approach to a sustainable health system will be a gradual process. Many of the factors that contribute to the well being of the individual are interrelated (Michael2003). The relationship between these factors are in most cases reciprocal. A good example is the observation that happier people are more likely than the depressed sad families to do better work, have more friends, and even earn higher income. The interrelation of these factors with well being are quite clear. As work offer purpose in life, unemployment is associated with a loss of income. Other factors such as being religious offer a good flow of social connections, sense of purpose, spiritual support and a moral code that eventually sums up to the wellbeing of the person (Hugh 2003). The lack of one of these factors sometime is compensated though partly by the presence of the other. It has been estimated that an average Australian rates their satisfaction and general happiness to about 75 per cent. Of late, the Australian government has stated that a growing strong economy is their main responsibility and goal. Economic growth has in the past been associated with the indicators of better health, wellbeing and a high quality of life. In this regard, it is globally accepted that money matters most as it does help people to meet their basic needs (Flowers 2002). The link between health, law and human rights. Health systems in all sectors of life can be analyzed for the impact they have on equality, human dignity and freedom as well as how effective they are in treating or preventing disease or ill health (Smart and Sanson 2005). The close association that is there between law and health is rarely fully appreciated by the health care providers (Hugh 2003). The law and in particular that which is mainly concerned with the provision of human rights should be well understood by the health care providers who are usually reluctant to engage in it so as to be better placed to improve health care quality (Michael2003). If this is to be achieved then the following need to be achieved; 1. Ensure that all persons are empowered as well as informed to make responsible decisions regarding medical care and treatment on the basis of a genuinely informed consent. 2. Take all appropriate administrative and legislative measures to ensure that all people enjoy the right of attaining the highest possible health standard without any form of discrimination. 3. take all administrative measures to ensure that access to healthcare facilities is made possible to all persons (Flowers 2002). Conclusion Just like the wider economic system, health care is increasingly becoming concerned with prevention, sustainability, early intervention as well as the long-term management of the wellbeing of its citizens. This would imply having to move health care issues beyond the reactionary crisis that is mainly based on acute care model and thus in its place have a more integrated program that is based on preventive care. This can be accomplished on the recognition that ‘health’ is usually a function of various environmental and social variables. To prevent the health care from collapsing in the future due to the heavy weight of acute care needs, health professional must become more involved in the education, community care, self-management, prevention as well enhance the consumer empowerment processes. It is worth noting much of the illnesses today in the health sector such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and the respiratory diseases are all preventable or manageable if not totally preventable and thus it is within the realistic aim to lessen the burden.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Summary Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

Summary - Article Example The second question that the author discusses is the capability of computers crossing geographical distances, thus making world a small place. The third argument questions the ability of computers to act and remain intelligent, while being at the disposal of the human being. However, as one can witness from the current trend, computers have revolutionized the way world is conducting business currently. The ability of computers to deal with information has changed age-old supply chain systems, advertising patterns, warfare techniques as well as marketing and social networking. Author argues that informational boom had started almost 100 years back, as witnessed by inventions of radio and TV, as well as haul trucks and other equipment. However, the way computers have increased the efficiency of these gadgets is for all of us to witness now. Global distances have disappeared with use of computer and internet is another example of computers making our life easier and simpler, as geographical distances do not matter now for a project manager coordinating his project sites across the world. The author may be correct in questioning the intelligence of computers, as human brains still function in a superior manner, while directing a computer for finishing certain tasks. However, super-intelligent breed of computers will pave the way for creating intelligent smart machines, better than we have today. Gelernter, David â€Å"Computers and the Pursuit of Happiness†, goggle books, nd, web, 12 March 2015:

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Freedom Riders ..Civil Right Movement Research Paper

The Freedom Riders ..Civil Right Movement - Research Paper Example In addition, the history of America affects the direction and roles of the government. The Freedom Riders movement is a specific point in history that changed the course of the government. Because of the movement, the government enacted legislation to allow equal rights. In May of 1961, a small group of African-Americans as well as white supporters took a journey on a bus (Arsenault 1). This journey became symbolic of the struggle for equal rights. Thirteen riders got on buses that were supposed to be for white people only, and refused to get off. Their goal was to reach Alabama from Washington. One bus was set on fire when it reached Alabama, and most of its riders were brutally beaten. This original group of Freedom Riders placed themselves in harms way in order to support a movement greater than themselves. After the African-Americans reached Alabama, people across the United States were more aware of the struggle for civil rights. They inspired more than sixty more freedom rides across the country and sparked a movement (et al). President Kennedy first attempted to stop the Freedom Riders (Bullard 20). When he realized he could not stop the protests, he chose to help them out. He told the southern states that their segregation laws would still be in effect if they agreed not to harm the Freedom Riders. Even though the Freedom Riders were not brutally beaten after President Kennedy made this agreement with the southern states, they were still arrested once they finished their ride. Elected officials grew frustrated with the Freedom Riders. In an effort to stop the movement, Attorney General Robert Kennedy â€Å"took the unusual step of asking the Interstate Commerce Commission to issue regulations against segregated terminals† (et al 21). Surprisingly, the Interstate Commerce Commission agreed. Essentially, the Freedom Riders won. They had set out to end segregation of public travel, and that is exactly what the United States

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nursing Statement Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing - Personal Statement Example My goal was to get a job to take care of my son. College would have to wait. I was good at clerical and secretarial duties, so I did that for the next seventeen years. While working, I decided to attend Galveston College in 1991 to pursue nursing education. I took remedial reading and math. I did well in reading, but because math was my weakness, I not only dropped math, but reading, too. Unfortunately, I let my weakness for math almost destroy my dream of becoming a nurse. Working paid the bills, but it was just a job. Over the years I received promotions but I still had a desire for more meaningful work. In 1997, my grandmother had a stroke and became very ill. My family took shifts caring for her. I loved taking care of my grandmother on weekends. Nobody in the family could get my grandmother to take her medication except me. When I arrived, my grandmother always wanted a bath, and to get out of bed. She always told me, â€Å"They won’t give me a bath, and I’ve been dirty all week.† This, however, was not true, but I gave her a bath anyway because she wanted me to. I took care of my grandmother until she died in March 1998. In 2002, I enrolled in Galveston College again. This time I earned an A in reading, which motivated me to do more.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

US and Australian Employment Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

US and Australian Employment Laws - Essay Example Today, the employment-at-will doctrine in the US is subject to the following exceptions: the public policy exception; the implied contract exception, and; the covenant-of-good faith exception. Table 1 shows that of the 50 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.), 43 recognise the public policy exception, 38 allow the implied contract exception, but only 11 states honor the covenant-of-good-faith exception. The public policy exception makes the termination of an employee wrongful despite the employment-at-will doctrine if such termination violates an express and well-established public policy. It is commonly held that public policy can be found on a state constitution, statute or administrative rule. In Petermann v International Brotherhood of Teamsters 174 Cal App.2d 184 (1959), an employee was summarily discharged after working for ten years with the Teamsters Union the day after he defied his superior’s order to make false statements in a legislative hearing investigating corruption in his workplace. (Muhl 2001) The Court declared the termination a wrongful discharge because it breached public policy, which covered acts that had a â€Å"tendency to be injurious to the public or against the public good† (Muhl 2001).On the other hand, the implied contract exception is attended by three elements: a promise of employment security by the employer; consideration or acceptance by the employee, and; the employer violated the promise (Peritt 2006).

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Benetton Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Benetton - Speech or Presentation Example For example that of children working in developing nations at a construction location. The young people constitute a large part of Benetton’s group of customers. As the company foresees, young people have a major amount of income that they are ready to spend on its products. Thus, they have been termed as the generation â€Å"X.† (Rectanus, 2002). The generation is made up of persons between the ages of 16 and 27 (Rectanus, 2002). The reason being they are more connected with the media, which Benetton uses to sell its products. They also have the sense aspect of style that comes with most of its products. This generation also makes up the youth, ages 10 to 24. It is worthy to note that the youth make up 29 % and 19 % of the population in developing and developed countries respectively (Mueller, 2011). Hence, majority of its youth customers are in the middle social class in developed and developing nations. The amount of income that is generated from the youth is considerable bearing in mind the youth in the world are said to have the ability to spend US $100 billion. Thus its sales amount to more than $2 billion from the youth (Information Resources Management Association, 1994). In order to get to maximally market its products to the youth, it has to ensure its technological features are strong as the youth are becoming more and more reliant on technology. Hence, it has to be a step ahead technologically. Benetton utilises computer facilities of high technology to design and cut the attire it produces. The machines it uses are connected to the micro-computers that use the CAD-CAM software. The company has what is normally termed as the Benetton system. The system ensures that there is an intricate network in place for quick product delivery to shops around the globe. The system made up of the information systems and the company is run as whole from the company; hence, the company is known as

Monday, September 23, 2019

Writing Assignment #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing Assignment #2 - Essay Example The debate over possible government breakups of Internet companies began with a recently published book that also chronicles how monopolies in the information industry are almost always caused by government meddling. The book is "The Master Switch" by Tim Wu, a Columbia law professor who coined the term "network neutrality." Setting aside for a moment Mr. Wus call for more aggressive regulation of the Web, he is right that over the past century what he calls "information empires" have hijacked what start out as open systems, almost always with government regulation at fault. "Every few decades," Mr. Wu writes, "a new communications technology appears, bright with promise and possibility." There is innovation but also chaos, as new business models disrupt old ones. The result often is that "the markets invisible hand waves in some great mogul" who promises a more orderly structure for the industry. "Usually enlisting the federal government, this kind of mogul is special for he defines a new type of industry, integrated and centralized." Consider these examples: Telephone. In 1913, the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. asked the federal government to regulate it, in the hopes of creating a monopoly on long-distance service that would let it over time crush local independent providers. With the slogan of "One system, one policy, universal service," AT&T got government-set rates that ensured it strong rates of return for decades while limiting competitors. As Mr. Wu says, "Imagine Microsoft in the 1990s asking the states and the Clinton Justice Department to determine the price of installing Windows or Google today requesting federal guidelines for its search engine." AT&T wasnt broken up until 1984. Radio. In the 1920s, radio was an open medium of unrestricted, competitive communications. Church groups, universities and hobbyists launched radio stations catering to hundreds of different communities of interest. But by the late 1920s,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Principal Intern Essay Example for Free

Principal Intern Essay As I embarked into this higher education path I wanted nothing more than to be an administrator of an Elementary or Middle School in Texas. I was able to even envision myself in the school district I currently work in working in school administration at one of the schools I have taught at. I was fortunate on my internship year to have the position of being the instructional technology facilitator and was able to help more in depth with the administrators of my campus and learn the in and outs of the administration side of the school. Looking at all of this and having experienced it I am now thinking I am leaning towards more working towards becoming a department head or maybe the head of a academic department for the district. I am hoping the first step to this will be to become the department head for fifth grade on my campus and then moving towards becoming the English Language Arts and Reading department head. Eventually over time I hope to move into a more Reading Specialist position for a campus or even possibly a district. My ultimate goal is to move into the administration building and become a curriculum director for a district. As a leader I hope to accomplish many things to my employee’s and staff like being stronger leaders in the classrooms, stronger teachers, and being able to empower students for long term success. I have always wanted since I entered education to see the end result of my students to be a positive one and love to see the academic growth my students show over the course of a school year. I think that being able to show teachers and staff how to be and become strong leaders in the classrooms will help to majorly accomplish this goal. For me a leader is someone who listens and empowers its learners to learn in a way that fits their own personal needs and not necessarily the needs of the teacher themselves. I also think that using these techniques it will help teachers to become stronger educators in life and in the long run. Helping teachers, just like students, create a solid foundation is a great way to start them in the right direction and therefore it will be easier for them to lead themselves one day. And finally I would love to see in teachers, like I do with my students, long term success over the course of a year, two years and even ten years as they grow academically with the students. In Texas we are constantly changing the way things are being tested and handled. Being able to be a leader that is open to those changes will help me to accomplish my goals to the best of my ability while creating successful teachers and students. Reflective Practice In the beginning of these courses reflective writing did not seem to be an influential part of my learning process as a student myself. In my own classroom I did not use much reflective writing for my students because I saw it as time that I could be using on something else related to the content. Throughout the courses related to my master’s degree through Lamar University I have had to reflect in every course on what I learned throughout the class. At first I was skeptical about the reflective writing but as the course progressed I realized that by writing reflectively I was able to take the course material and transpose it into my own words. This helped me to have a clear understanding of what I learned and make it my own. One of the meaningful things that I feel I should have walked away from these courses is that the best way to become a leader is to create ownership for the staff, and I relate that to reflective writing. In my reflective writing I am walking away with a sense of ownership from my courses, and this helps to realize the main facts of what the course was about. Reflective writing now has a new meaning to me; it is now more of me creating my own ownership to the material presented in the course. I have even now find myself using reflective writing more and more in my own classroom and finding it a useful tool to assess what the students are walking away from my lessons with. To me reflective writing is a great tool to check students understanding of what was taught and what was learned. Reflective writing has had a significant influence on my practice currently in my classroom. Instead of using traditional quizzes and test I find myself using more reflective writings in my own classroom. It is a great form of writing to use to allow the students to use their own words to explain what they have learned in the classroom. In my future I plan on using reflective writing more and more in a leadership role for my staff to obtain information on how well the school is operating and working as a team. I feel that if my current principal used more reflective writing in our faculty meetings then he would have a better understanding of what is going on inside the campus. When I am a principal with my own campus I plan on using reflective writing responses in order to check if my staff walked away from staff developments with what was intended for them to learn and to also make sure that the training was effective or not to use on our campus. I would also like to implement a feedback process that involves reflective writing, which will allow staff to respond to any procedures implemented on campus that might need to be adjusted. By using this reflective writing process in the future I can make sure that my staff walks away with the knowledge they need in staff developments and in-services. This will prove to be an effective form of feedback for me and reflection on what skills they acquired. In Examining what we do to Improve our Schools Tool 8.1 the CARE Model: Planning Tool uses four steps to address change for the future the final step Evaluate allows the staff to reflective on the prior steps they have created (Harris). In this process the staff or administrator is to take steps into identifying and solving problems they are facing on campus. The first three steps are steps on how to implement and strategize the problem at hand. The fourth step in the CARE Model is to ‘identify the best ways to evaluate the implemented recommendations’ which is a way for the person(s) making the decisions can reflect on what they have created. In the same book Tool 8.2 (Harris) provides a list of reflective type questions to be answered to examine school improvement. These are great questions to guide someone’s reflection or at the very least jump start their reflection process so they have a starting point. An example of one of the questions asked in Tool 8.2 is ‘What am I doing to sustain improvement?’ These types of questions allow me as a future administrator to use for myself and others to reflect upon what we are doing as a team to create positive school improvement. Competency Development DOMAIN I School Community Leadership Competency 001- The principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. In this competency I learned many things on how to create a vision for my campus and how to make it happen. I found it is not only important to make your school have a vision or just a common goal but the process of getting to that vision is equally important. Competency 001 is the foundation for that solid house you want to build, without the foundation a house will eventually fall and break, just like a school would without a solid foundation. As a leader of my campus it is my duty to look into creating a climate that promotes higher level thinking and teaching. When I do obtain my own campus I will be using this competency to ensure that higher expectations are required. It is not just enough to create higher standards and expect people to follow them it is equally important to create them in such a way that they can become obtained. In order to make these goals and visions obtainable and reachable it is important not to just let one person make these decisions, but to allow all stakeholders to have a say in the creation and implementation of them. I found throughout all of my courses that the most important factoring in leading your staff and students in any direction is the ownership that they have in the school. It is important that all stakeholders have a clear understanding that each party involved was and is clearly represented. I know that I feel better implementing a plan that I took part in planning or know someone in the plan that had my best interests and the student’s best interests at heart. I found myself spending 23 hours on this competency with my principal and assistant principal. The majority of the time was spent prior to school helping the committees to set up the vision and goals. We then revisited the vision in the middle of the school year to adjust to the changes our campus faces. It was also important that my principal have me sit in on grade level meetings to see if each grade level had a clear understanding of what the vision meant for them and what it looked like in their classrooms and for their students. I would say in this section of the domains I believe that I am walking away with the most mastery because of all of the actual hands on time I got to spend working with my campus vision and missions. Competency 002 The principal knows how to communicate and collaborate with all members of the school community, responds to diverse interests and needs, and mobilizes resources to promote student success. In this section I learned the importance of correctly communicating with all staff, students, and community stakeholders for my campus. Although it was difficult at times to get parents to communicate and participate at school functions I was able to learn a lot about the process of correctly communicating with them. I was able to assist in almost every letter we sent home with students explaining our events. We not only had to have a copy in English but we also had to translate all letters in Spanish as well. Over the course of the year, logging over seven hours, as paper became more and more precious I was able to focus more on call outs over the phone system and also to work on maintaining accurate information on the schools website. I had a bit of the upper hand in comparison to others in these course because I was able to find ways through our website to communicate effectively with the community. In our many multicultural events we held on campus (Hispanic Heritage Art Contest, Black History Writing Contest, Math Night, and Science Night) I was able to have exposure to the positive effect it has on students through multicultural awareness. On this competency I spent around seven hours of internship time (I believe more logged hours were possible). Another wonderful thing I learned during this lesson was how to correctly manage school wide communication that took place on campus. I was very fortunate to have a very supportive principal who was willing to take me under her wing and allow playing a huge role in all activities on the campus. My principal always told me anything you would not say out loud make sure you do not put it in writing. She taught me through example and doing how to effectively write and create e-mails to be sent to the staff. I know now the importance of tone in my writing to ensure the way the e-mail is received it is received correctly. Competency 003 The principal knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical and legal manner. One of the most memorable things I will walk away from this course is the question to always ask myself â€Å"Is the decision to the question in the best interest of the child(ren)?† My mentors (principal, assistant principal, counselor, veteran teachers) taught me this valuable lesson that any decision, no matter the size, has to have the student’s best interest at heart. This is a great way to keep you in check to make sure you are being ethical and act with integrity in everyday decisions as a campus administrator. The legal portion of this competency comes with the knowledge of making sure to follow all state guidelines set for by the Texas Education Agency. One of the best ways I found to make sure you are following the rules legally is to ask questions. My internship supervisor, Sherry Gore through my eighteen internship hours, taught me to never be afraid to ask questions or research the answer before making a decision. The way she taught me this was not in a direct manner but more indirectly. By demonstrating to me on topics that she was unfamiliar with how she asked other principals or administrators to solve her problems I learned his valuable lesson. With the ever changing ways of education in the State of Texas, and the Country for that matter, it is important for an administrator to make sure they are up to date with all their knowledge about the laws concerning the education of the children in their school. It is also the responsibility of the principal to make sure their staff knows about any changes in laws and procedures. Making sure the staff knows of these changes it will make the transition to the new ones a smoother one for their campus and thus make the impact less stressful on the children. DOMAIN II Instructional Leadership Competency 004 The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, resources, and assessments; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance. One of the major witnessing to competency 004 was that of how our campus was having year after year to adjust to its ever growing numbers of bilingual and ESL students on our campus. Each year we a faced with the challenge of how to adjust to the growing numbers not only with resources but also with the staffing of these new positions needed. In all campus purchases, technology or academic workbooks, we find ourselves looking as administrators on the campus at what kind of Spanish and ESL supplements were available and how well they will work for our students needs. I found it very interesting in choosing our new reading textbooks in how different the Spanish supplements are for the different adoptions. As a person on the committee, logging over twenty-three internship hours, for our school to help us choose our next adoption it was made very clear to us at the beginning of the process that we needed to make sure we are considering not only the English portion of the textbook but the ESL materials are equally important. I knew going into it that the ESL supplements were important but it never crossed my mind how important it is to our campus. With my campus being one of two bilingual campuses it was important to my principal that our vote was heard at the district level when choosing the newest adoptions. The next step in this was implementing a new reading textbook while adjusting to the new district wide curriculum CSCOPE. It was my principal’s job to make sure that all of her staff was well aware of how to use the materials mandated by the district for our new instructional focus always keeping the students best interests at heart when training the teachers to prepare for our school year of academic success. Competency 005 The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a campus culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. All too often there is going to be a change in policy or educational law, and with these changes there is always going to be changes in educational practices that have proven to be effective. The older methods of teaching are not necessarily the best methods to be used to reach the students of 2011. This competency ensures that the principal keep up with the best practices and methods out in the world to use for the success of our students and staff. This includes making sure that the staff is up to date on the latest practices in teaching in new and exciting ways to reach children. I spent close to twenty-one hours working with my principal and instructional facilitators to ensure that our campus had what we needed to implement new teaching practices in our classrooms. This section requires a lot of research into the newest needs of the students and then the needs of the staff to meet those needs. One example of a staff development that I was part of implementing with the principal and instructional facilitators was when we had to move into a new online lesson planning system. This system was completely online and making paper lesson plans not necessary. It was my responsible to make sure the staff was trained in how to use this new system to its full potential. I had to attend training provided by the company ht owned the software as well as district training to show me how to show the staff how to use this new system. It was essential that the staff knew how to implement this program because it was soon to become a mandate by the district to improve district lesson plan sharing throughout the entire district. The essential great thing for the teachers was that of making teachers resources more readily available to district employees across the di strict. Competency 006 The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management. With this area I feel I need a little more practice, and that is my fault in the internship hours and plan. I do however plan on using my current principal to help me to understand the evaluation process of a staff member. With only putting in eight hours into this area of focus I feel that I need to focus more on the PDAS system. I know the system as a teacher but I feel I need to works towards better understanding of the administrator side of the evaluations. I did focus my attention on part of this aspect as determining the needs of the staff and creating a staff development for the staff to grow from. With the help of the assessment specialist on my campus I found that we as a staff needed more focus on how to properly prepare the kids to take tests for a long period of time. We gathered information and tips for the staff to use while preparing the students for their long awaited TAKS tests. We then used a simple evaluation survey at the end of the training to evaluate the effectiveness of the training to meet the needs of the teachers and students. We produced a lot of reflective time for teachers to share their own experiences in the classroom that allowed students to work to their best potential. With the knowledge of the results of the survey we used the knowledge we gained to conduct follow mini-trainings to assess the needs of the staff after they implemented the practices. The reason we conducted the mini-follow ups was because of the survey evaluation at the end of the training said they enjoy the trainings we have but they need further help after we implement the training in our classrooms. Competency 007 The principal knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and problem solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment. Spending close to eighteen hours working on this competency it clear to see that this competency is an important one in relationship to the effectiveness of a campus. One major thing I learned from my principal was that you need to be organized enough to make sure you put together a quality interview to ensure that you put together a quality staff. I was fortunate enough to be able to sit in the interview process of one of our future teachers. The before part of the process was the preparation in getting ready for the interview, my principal using the Gallup interview process so she must be organized and ready. During the interview quality questions prove to be the most effective in choosing future staff members. Following the interview there is a debriefing with the hiring committee to ensure that the newest staff member would be a good fit for our campus and our students. We then moved onto working with the staff and interviewing them on what needs to be improved on campus. The next step in this process for my principal and I was to look towards the staff and see how well they internalized or resisted change in our continuous improvements implemented at the campus. We had to look at what changes were the best for the students as a whole and the needs of our at risk students.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Benefits Of Text Messaging For Children Essay Example for Free

Benefits Of Text Messaging For Children Essay It turns out that text messaging positively affects a childs literacy and, in fact may even improve it, according to a new study conducted by a Coventry University in Britain. The University researchers involved a group of 88 children between the ages of 10 and 12, for their study. Their goal was to figure out what are the effects of text messaging on childrens communication skills. All the kids were given 10 different scenarios and were asked to write text messages about them, describing each situation. The textisms were divided into categories such as shortenings, contractions, symbols, acronyms, and non-conventional spellings, and examined for the use of the language in comparison with the school performance. When the researchers compared later the number of text messages being used, with a different research that focused on the reading ability of children, they discovered that those kids who used more textisms turned out to be much better readers. The follow-up study and its preliminary results revealed that textism rather improved literacy than had a harmful effect. The alarming warnings in the media are based on selected anecdotes but in fact when analyzing the examples of text speak in essays experts were not able to find many of them, according to the researchers. In opposite, students appeared to completely understand when they were making contractions and taking the shortcuts, that are very common in text conversations. In addition, when asked to write something in a serious way, the kids were able to put those textisms aside. The kids are actually taking the whole language to a new level, even if critics do not agree with it and say that it is not the right one. Basically, every expression and intonation that are being used during normal conversation, has to be inserted in a text message, however in most cases young people who send SMS-s on a regular basis, have no time to do so. Instead, they start using abbreviations, which allow them to write even the most complex and long phrases and expressions with only a few letters or words. One way to achieve this is just removing all the vowels from a word, leaving only consonants. With practice, words that at a first glance seem like a mess, and message with no sense, can actually turn out to be quite simple to understand. The experts also wrote that the association between text messaging and phonological awareness has been found during their study. Dr. Beverly Plester and her colleagues at the Coventry University believe that when the kids are exposed to the text that is based mostly on phonetics, they are better improving their literary skills. According to the researchers phonological awareness has been associated with good reading skills for a long time. This way kids are using more written language and it is a great fun for them. The experts acknowledge the fact that in any case no final conclusions can be yet made, and say that their study does not claim that text messaging plays a major role in childrens ability of word reading. However, they say that the experience and skill can contribute to the prediction of their word reading ability, and that messaging skills deserve additional study. In the conclusion, the researchers added that no link so far was found between the use of text conversations and the spelling abilities of all the study participants. This suggests that, as anticipated, at this stage of development there is no evidence of a detrimental effect of textisms exposure on conventional spelling, they stated in their report. And no matter what is the case, it is becoming more of an accepted fact that texting is neither hurting children, nor it makes them any dumber, or kills the English language. The results of the study are published in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology. Advantages Text messaging is a non-voice communication tool that enables a user to send short messages to another user. The service is available on all modern phones. Text messaging has some advantages over other means of communication. Cheaper: Sending a text message is less expensive than placing a regular phone call or video call. Record keeping: A person can easily deny or misrepresent the information you gave them on a phone call, but when you send a text message, it is stored in your sent items, while for the receiver, it is available in their inbox. It is a good way to keep record and remember contents of a conversation. Signal economy: Text messaging is more efficient in terms of managing service signals. Text messaging uses less amounts of service signals than phone calling, video calling and/or email, which may require the availabilty of at least 3G. Discretion: Text messaging is a good alternative in situations where phone calling is not appropriate, for example, during a meeting, or you dont want others to hear your conversations. Mild interruption: Unlike a regular phone call, you can respond to a text message at your convenience. A phone call demands your immediate response whether it is convenient for you or not. Reduces unneeded talk time: Text messaging reduces the amount of time spent talking. A phone call could lead to unnecessary talks, but with a text message, you go straight to the point. Most phones have t9 text input which enhances speed typing. Read more: Disadvantages Text messaging facilitates the exchange of short messages. Text messaging can serve as a substitute to phone calling, could be used in a remote control system, participation in a contest, service requests, advertising, and so forth. However, text messaging has some disadvantages. Limited storage: There is a limit to the number of text messages that could be stored in the phone. If your inbox gets full, your phone can no longer receive anymore messages unless you delete some of them. If your SIM card or phone goes bad, you could lose your messages, if not backed up. However, some service providers have deployed a way around this, for example, Glo SMS4Ever. Length: Text messaging when the content is lengthy is not convenient. A page of a text message could contain 160, 140 or 70 characters [including spaces] depending on the bit of the characters. Although you can send a multi-page text message, the higher the number of pages, the higher the probability of delivery failure. Content: A text message is what it is; it can contain only text. It does not support other media, including videos, pictures, melodies or animations. To be able to send a multimedia message, you must use Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) or MMS. Not suitable in emergencies: In situations that require immediate response, text messaging may not be the most viable option. Security issues: Gartner has recommended that confidential messages shouldnt be sent using the regular consumer SMS as the contents of a common text message could be seen by the networks systems and personnel. Not applicable to certain physically disadvantaged persons: For example, a blind person cannot read the contents of a text message on a phones regular display. Read more:

Friday, September 20, 2019

Production Strategies Adopted by Toyota

Production Strategies Adopted by Toyota Constantly since the company was founded in 1937, The TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION and their supplementary (TOYOTA), have incessantly strived to contribute to the sustainable expansion of society and the earth through the developed and provision of high-quality and innovative products and services. Through these continuous efforts, they have established a corporate philosophy that has been passed down from creation to generation throughout the company and which has come to be known as the Guiding Principles at Toyota (originally issued in 1992, revised in 1997; the Guiding Principles. they have also put TOYOTAs standards and methods in written form, in the Toyota Way (issued in 2001). Such values and methods must be shared globally among us to realize the Guiding Principles and they are seeking to pass these on to future generations. Through these efforts and by Passing down business viewpoint and values and methods, they are steadfastly striving to understand the creation of a prosperou s society by making things. TOYOTA has long-demonstrated its dedication to contributing to sustainable development. As their business operations have become increasingly global, they need to reconfirm their corporate philosophy and have issued an explanatory paper in January 2005 unconstrained Contribution towards Sustainable Development. This paper interprets the Guiding Principles from the stand point of how TOYOTA can work toward sustainable development in its interactions with its stakeholders. They believe that by implementing the Guiding Principles in maneuver, TOYOTA will successfully fulfill its expected contribution towards sustainable development. Therefore, as stated in the Guiding Principles and descriptive paper, we must meet the terms with local, national and worldwide laws and system, counting the strength thereof, and act with humbleness, honesty and truthfulness. compare to when the Code of Conduct for Toyota Employees was first issued in 1998, TOYOTAs existence in civilization has to a great e xtent augmented and also new laws and policy have been recognized, such as for the defense of individual data. With this surroundings in intellect, we have revised the existing code of conduct and shaped the Toyota Code of Conduct in order to communicate the elementary approach necessary to motivate sustained confidence in TOYOTA, to respect and comply with the laws, and to maintain our honesty and integrity. I would mainly like to ask each one of you, as a person working for TOYOTA, to be aware that you are a necessary donor to the success of TOYOTA. In this period of global opposition, borderless trade, and diversification, TOYOTA wishes to conduct business in an open and flaxen means. TOYOTA aims to become the most appreciated, esteemed and trusted company in the world by its customers and society. Accomplishing this goal requires that each one of us is aware of TOYOTAs respected reputation and standing in the community, the gratefulness their owe to customers and society, and th e necessary respect of laws and regulations. Therefore, they must each act in a unwavering, sure-footed, and thorough way, and in agreement with common sense and good judgment. I imagine and ask you to carefully read this Toyota Code of Conduct and to implement the spirit within March.. After the Second World battle, the allocation of World economic authority was wholly rearranged. Prior to the battle, Europe and the USA lined the world marketplace. The administration of Western companies was based on the Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow. This intellectual basis characterizes the begin of industrialization, lead to mass production and to fabulous output increases. Yet subsequent to the war, new company appeared on the playground, whose work was based on a viewpoint, on methods and rules unknown before. At the same time as Western managers bowed to short-term thoughts to satisfy shareholders and to everlasting reform, the new actors intense on frequent development in the quality of products, consistency of processes and qualification of employees. Toyota is one of these new companies, which regardless of the ferocious opposition due to overload production capacity in the automobile industry of around 25 % outperforms Western opposition in every aspect, in t echnological innovation, in customer satisfaction, in continuous growth and in profit. In 2004 Toyota passed Ford to become the second major automobile manufacturer. prior to long, Toyota will overtake General Motors flattering the largest car company in the world most likely having no less than 15% of the world marketplace. Toyota will achieve continuous success in the automobile industry in the light of their innovations. FOUNDER OF TOYOTA In a nutshell the companys objective is to have: Action Commitment Teamwork for becoming #1 in the world Explanation of the Project The core concept of the project is to understand the benefits of controlling the waste material, the strategy introduced by Toyota which is Toyota production system and the benefits of TPS. How much this crucial innovation helped in achieving customer satisfaction around the world? TPS explain how it became the leading automobile manufacturers by following its strategy. Thus this research project covers all the aspects of TPS and provides the best outcome. CHAPTER Literature review The Toyota Way Author: Jeffery K. Liker The Toyota concept: In the 1980s, Toyota started making its mark, on the world highway, as a sturdy car that lasted long and required less of maintenance than American cars. Today, the Company is the worlds most profitable car manufacturer, consistently producing high-quality cars using fewer man-hours and less on hand inventories. To this day, Toyota continues to raise the bar in manufacturing, production development and process excellence. TPS and Lean Production: The Toyota Way explains the management principle and business philosophy behind Toyotas success. It narrates Toyotas approach to Lean Production (known as the Toyota Production System TPS, which it invented in the 1940s and 50s) and the 14 principles that drive Toyota towards quality and excellence. The book also explains how one can adopt the same principles to improve ones business processes, while cutting down on operations and production costs. Toyota invented Lean Production in the 1940s and 50s. The Company focused on eliminating wasted time and material from every step of the production process (from raw materials to finished goods). The result was a fast and flexible process that gives the customers what they want, when they want it, of the highest quality and at most affordable cost. Toyota improved production by eliminating wasted time and resources, building quality into workplace systems, finding low-cost and yet reliable alternatives to expensive new technology, perfecting business processes and building a learning culture for continuous improvement. How Toyota Became the Worlds Best Manufacturer: After World War II. While Ford and GM used mass production and economies of scale, Toyota faced very different business conditions. Toyotas market was very small but it had to produce a variety of vehicles on the same assembly line to satisfy customers. The solution: making the operations flexible. This resulted in the birth of TPS. TPS borrowed some of its ideas from the United States. The core idea of the Just in Time (JIT) system came from the concept of the pull-system, which was inspired by the American supermarkets. In the pull system, individual items are replenished as each item begins to run low on the shelf. Applied to Toyota, it means that the first step in the process is not completed until the second step uses the materials or supplies from Step 1. At Toyota, every step of the manufacturing process uses Kanban to signal to the previous step when its part needs to be replenished. The Company was also inspired by W. Edwards Deming, who, aside from broadly defining customers to include internal and external clients, also encouraged Toyota to adopt a systematic approach to problem solving, which became a cornerstone for continuous improvement (known as Kaizen). Eliminating Waste: The purpose of TPS is to minimize time spent on non-value adding activities by positioning the materials and tools as close as possible to the point of assembly. The major types of non-value adding waste in business or production process are overproduction, waiting or time on hand, unnecessary transport or conveyance, over processing or incorrect processing, excess inventory, unnecessary movement, defects and unused employee creativity. One of the keys to success of Toyota is that it lives by the philosophy of self-reliance and a let us do it ourselves attitude. This can be best illustrated when it ventured into the luxury car industry. It did not buy a company that already made luxury cars. Rather, it created its own luxury division the Lexus from scratch, in order to learn and understand the essence of a luxury car. CHAPTER Aims Of The Study 1. Aim of the study: Toyota strategies in controlling the wastage of Material Toyota Production System (TPS) Primary, of course, it trained the recent car manufacturing how to make cars appropriately. Only some had heard of the Toyota Production System (TPS) until three academics in the car industry study planned run by (MIT). It described the philosophy and practices at the back the just-in-time mechanized system urbanized at Toyota by Taiichi Ohno. He in revolve had haggard motivation from W. Edwards Deming, an powerful statistician and quality-control specialist who had played a big part in mounting the rapid-manufacturing processes used internationally during the Second World battle. At the heart of TPS is removal of waste and absolute attentiveness on reliable high quality by a process of nonstop enhancement. The memorable just-in time aspect of bringing parts jointly just as they are required on the procession is only the clearest materialization of the persistent drive to remove sludge waste) from the industrialized process. ILLUSTRATION OF DIAGRAME: Toyota production system TPS is the combination is the combination of just in time inventory (JIT) and Jidoka In the above diagram exemplify the continuous flow work because the supplier are available to provide the inventory and without any shortage work is complete on time and all works starts same time and end up at same time. On the contrary the Jidoka systems of inventory stops and notify the abnormalities, work is done in separate settings manual work and automatic work finished separately without depending each other. Justification of Aim: Just-In-Time (Jit) Just in time production system eliminate the wastage of inventory because there is no warehouses cost would incur whenever the inventories are required the suppliers fulfill the demand and in the case of Toyota develop strong line with the supplier, if any supplier not able to provide the inventory on time the other supplier provides immediately Through just in time inventory system the product not suffers due to the shortage of material and availability issue completely resolved. Just in time inventory (JIT) system is one of the tremendous innovations of Japanese automobile industry initially introduced by Toyota and now implemented in all automobile manufacturing concerns. Toyota production system TPS is now working efficiently by adopting the just in time inventory system and it overcome the issue of overproduction and assist in making instant decisions. 2. Aim Of The Study: Efficiency Effectiveness of Production Process. A wide number of principles and practices can be employed to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of production process. As management once noted, people instinctively know to eliminate waste once it is identified as such, so the task of reducing waste often centers first around identifying unnecessary uses of human, capital, or physical resources. After waste is targeted, new processes or practices can be devised to deal with it. Justification of Aim Process Enhancement One of the crucial aspects of controlling the wastage and enhancing the production efficiency through this amazing system introduced by Toyota which is Toyota production system TPS, this process saves time and cost and increase the ratio of profit. Earlier the production is languish in the warehouses and operating cycle duration increasing and all the cost incur due to the longer operating cycle time. another problem that worker spent their time and efforts on arranging the material which is directly related to the production of the product and all the system depend to each other and push strategy being used. However Toyota eliminates the traditional process and come up with the latest innovation which is TPS. Worth Added Toyota production system TPS, one of the vital technique launching by Japanese manufacturing concern which differentiate the action and put the added worth in the product and these additional features that makes product prominent not incur any cost which is base on the idea which comes in mind . the main focus of any manufacturing concern is to minimize the cost and to maximize the level of profit but its just like a word but Toyota converts these words into reality by providing value added services in the form of Toyota production system, extra cost cuts, inspecting cost, warehouses cost, outsourcing cost, opportunity cost and time delays issue completely resolved and by incurring the lower cost achieve the best quality which fulfill the market demand. Excellence By Design Another aspect of capturing the market Japanese manufacturing concern is a striking concentration to the design of the product that will attract to the customer through its Toyota production system and develops incomparable products in the market that makes difference to all other automobile manufacturing concern and provide 100% satisfaction to the customer which is the true evidence of Toyota success in the form of large market share of Toyota in all over the world. Toyota production system improves the production process and brings the positive results that helps to resolve current problem which Toyota is facing and for planning the safest future strategies and for best outcome. Order-Based Production Order base production system is one of the crucial strategy adopted by Toyota the concept behind the order base production system is to eliminate the cost of overproduction and also the cost of warehouses in which the product are standstill for selling. The order base system makes the order on the behalf of market need and demand rather than production capacity this process saves the maintenance cost of machinery eliminate the extra expenses some of which are directly or indirectly related to the manufacturing of the product and also one imperative aspect is to save a lot of time and order base production process provide brand new product to the customer and this process also a best tool to monitor the inflation cost which depends upon the whole economy scenario. Order base production system assist in setting the prices and eliminating the wastage of materiel. CHAPTER METHODOLOGY Qualitative Quantitative sources of data. Primary Source Of data Data collection is the step which needs much more concentration of the researcher because if this step is good enough then the research will be effective and efficient. I have used the source Interview and general observations as my instruments for primary data collection. We shall also refer to books, magazines and internet to make our research more comprehensive. Additionally a quantitative analysis also done through generating hypothesis and implementing a Z-test method. b) Interviews I have conducted interviews from the other managers and HR manager to acquire the accurate information. I have conducted structured interviews for collecting information. SECONDARY SOURCES OF DATA The already existing data has about the banking sector had been collected from the following secondary sources: Web site of the company I collected the information about the history, mission, and vision statements from the website of the company. I used internet to collect more information that comes in secondary source of data. Following are the other sources that also helped me to better understand the procedures and methods being used in Toyota automobile manufacturing concern. Books Case Studies RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is a step by step process. It provides the basis for testimony. The need of the research itself determines the methodology and the design of the research. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The purpose of this research report is to explore the Production strategies adopted by Toyota to minimize wastage of material. A lot of research work has been done on the production process of Toyota, but a little research work is done on Production strategies adopted by Toyota to minimize wastage of material, so this shows that this is an exploratory research work. TYPES OF INVESTIGATION: Our type of investigation is correlation because we find the important variables or factors that contribute their part in providing an edge to Toyota production system TPS EXTENT OF RESEARCHER INTERFERENCE To conduct this research our interference in the environment was minimal. .STUDY SETTING: The study setting in our research is non contrived (natural) because we have not created any artificial environment for our research. This reason for keeping non contrived study setting is because we took a number of interviews, and research is being conducted in the natural environment of the Toyota. UNIT OF ANALYSIS: In our research unit of analysis is group because in this research, we conduct interview to the Hr. Managers and employees and from some loyal people of Toyota. We collect the data from this specific group who use Toyota. TIME HORIZON: Cross sectional studies are those in which the data are collected just once over a period of days, in order to answer a research questions. Same is the case with our research because we collected the data in one shot and not again. Ethical Consideration TOYOTA will fulfill with related laws and business procedures, interior business policies and rules. Toyota always focus to the social norms and values that makes history and heritage of Toyota and strictly govern all the business policies and take timely action to the any violence of the rule. Toyota not compromise to the quality and commitment which are its core principles. Toyota adopt the strategy to make the customer forever not for once and for that Toyota never motivate to an illegal way but it offers the tremendous services that catches the heart of customers. The Toyota Company strictly banned to making any unethical advertisement that will defame the market of the Toyota motors in the eye of the customer and also beyond to its code of conduct. Toyota company also not compromise with the safety of its product which it offer in the number of ways and Toyota will also educate people to create awareness of new innovation and for betterment of the customer , employees and for the sake of company ultimate growth and prosperity. CHAPTER 5 Results RESULTS Null Hypothesis In generating hypothesis we assumed that our population is normally distributed. We use Z-Score method to test our hypothesis. By studying the literature review which contains the different researches and studies conducted in different universities, on the basis of these studies we are assuming that 65% of employees said that Toyota Production system TPS is the ultimate solution to controlling waste material. We are also assuming the same percentage for the employee of Toyota Company who said that TPS is the ultimate solution to controlling waste material. So our null hypothesis is: H0: P = 65% or 0.65 Alternate Hypothesis Now our assumed percentage of the employee of Toyota Company who said that TPS is the ultimate solution to controlling waste material could be greater or lesser than 65% and we can show it by alternate hypothesis which is: H1: P à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   65% or 0.65 Level of Significance We assumed the level of significance ÃŽÂ ± = 0.05 Critical Region Since it is a two tail test so ÃŽÂ ±/2 = 0.025 On the basis of the level of significance the critical region is: -1.96 Computations Analysis of our interviews, which had a random sample size of 120, show that 50% of the employees said that Toyota Production system TPS is the ultimate solution to controlling waste material. Now by using the Approximation formula Z = (x n P0) / à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ (n P0 q0) Where X = 60 (50% of 120) n = 120 (sample size) P0 = 0.65 q0 = 0.35 [q0 =1- P0] Z = (60 120 * 0.65) / à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ (120 * 0.65 * 0.35) = -3.44 Result: Because Z-Scores value computed by normal approximation does not lie in critical region, we did not find sufficient evidences to accept our Null Hypothesis. We further concluded that less than 65% of employee said Toyota Production system TPS is the ultimate solution to controlling waste material. CHAPTER 6: Discussions CONCLUSION Toyota Company is one of the best automobile manufacturing companies of the globe. This has successfully conquered its market through attractive and reliable cars with continuous innovations. In this case, Toyota has main advantage of its efficient production system which is its unique characteristic. Besides that it uses number of marketing tools to maintain its sustainable growth, which is as under Research and development Toyota focusing on innovation, for that innovation they conduct research and collect information about market, customers etc and they always come up with new ideas, brings new cars With more feature of comforts Customer relationship management (CRM) They consider customer as king, and realize their importance in their business operation So they develop long term relation with them to best identify their characteristic in order to give them extra value and satisfaction Compliance with laws and regulation Toyota is global leader and markets its product in numerous countries, so for that it must need to understand rules regulation of every country to perform its business operations. So it always complies with national and international laws and regulation being socially responsible. Stakeholder relationship Toyota respect its stakeholders, who have some stake or interest in your organization, like customer, investors, suppliers, dealers etc so Toyota focuses on how to make them satisfied for smooth operations of business E-Business operations Toyota also started its e- business in many countries, so its good marketing strategy to facilitate customers and dealers to transact on computer (internet) Promotional activities It is almost impossible for multinational company to run without focusing on promotional activities, so Toyota does it recognizes too and stresses promotional activities. Extra customer value and satisfaction Toyota has the image, that it provides high quality and standard of life. It always contribute its efforts to maintain that image among customers, so it created brand equity and has made their customer brand loyal Participative management Toyota welcome suggestion from every working unit, encourage creativity from every employee of organization. Who shows creativity and innovation brings competitive advantage For Toyota, than it reinforce them by rewarding Recommendations Operations are strictly run by a sustainable business strategy in order to control the wastage of material, which is passed on from one generation to the other and not by short-term decision making or by the attitudes of changing management teams and variable customer tastes. Toyota success comes through continuous efforts and launching incomparable product. Growth comes from the inside out and not through mergers and acquisitions, in other words, growth through continual improvement of products and services and not through continued reform. Toyota always focus to their customer need rather their capacity to produce the product the key point is to control the wastage of material because Toyota adopted the strategy mass customization rather than mass production. Skilled employees are one of the key point of Toyota in achieving their long lasting goals. Toyota employees always work for the sake of the company prosperity. Latest technology is being used like the Toyota production system to eliminate the wastage of material and to compete to the rivals and in order to fulfill the customers desire. Centralized system is being adopted by Toyota all the powers are not in one hand divided into several hands for the interest of employees and staff. Flexible environment the lower cadre easily reaches to the higher cadre and sharing of ideas is the key spot of the success history of Toyota. Remarkable history of Toyota an ultra growth in the automobile industry without any imperfection. Toyota offer flexible working environment, create a culture to stick the setback. New ideas are core area of the success of Toyota. Toyota implements blue ocean strategy in order to make incompetent to their rival. First fuel injected car introduced by Toyota which is his blue ocean strategy and capture the market share of all the automobile manufacturing concerns. Standardised tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee Empowerment. produce leaders who scrupulously comprehend the work, live the values, and educate it to others. Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your companys beliefs. Respect your comprehensive network of associates and suppliers by challenging them and serving them progress. Make decisions slowly by accord, in detail taking into account all options; employ decisions speedily.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom Essay -- Nazi concentration camps

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom According to Corrie & Betsie Ten Boom, life was a faith-building experience. Those two women were faced with one of the toughest experiences of their lives. Each day, Corrie and Betsie had to persuade each other that everything was going to be okay, once they were free from the â€Å"hell†, or the concentration camp they were placed in. And, yet, Corrie and Betsie somehow managed to keep in mind that God was with them. Corrie Ten Boom’s astonishing novel, â€Å"The Hiding Place†, is an extraordinary adventure of one courageous Christian woman who had been sent to a concentration camp, along with her sister, for helping the Jews. Both the girls depended heavily on Christ’s power and words to guide them through the tough times. They were not praying for themselves, but instead they were praying for the souls and the actions of the brutal Nazi guards. It was the year 1937. It was going to be a beautiful day for the 100th anniversary of the Ten Boom’s watch shop. Both Corrie and Betsie worked there, along with Hans -- the apprentice, Toos – the sour faced and ill-tempered little woman, Christolfels, a tiny little repair man with a big heart and who could forget father. Corrie describes father as the most loved man in all of Haarlem, Holland. Anyone who worked in the watch shop was treated very well. Life was simple. There were no cars or TVs. Everyone in Haarlem lived their lives day by day and didn’t care too much about the fut...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Envy of the Procreative Power of Women in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Sca

Envy of the Procreative Power of Women in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a novel about procreation. Though Hester Prynne is the mother of Pearl and the creator of the scarlet letter in the novel, Hawthorne is the symbolic mother of the novel, the letter, and the characters. Careful analysis of the text reveals a pattern of womb envy and an attempt to master it on the part of Hawthorne. The concept of womb envy-- envy of the procreative power of women (Kittay 126)-- has been virtually ignored by both psychoanalysts and literary critics since Bruno Bettelheim first introduced the idea. Though intended as a supplement to the concepts of penis envy and the Oedipal complex developed by Freud, womb envy has not generated the attention that penis envy has. This may in part be due to Freud's interpretation of the desires of the males in his case study to bear children as be "anal, autoerotic, or homosexual" in nature. (Kittay 127). Since Freud ignored the possibility of men's envy of women's childbirthing abilities, most of his followers have as well. The disparity in the acceptance of Freud's and Bettelheim's concepts can best be seen in psychoanalytic criticisms in the literary world. Examples of "penis envy" and "Oedipal complex" readings abound. Hamlet's desire for his mother causes him such guilt that he resurrects his father and goes insane. Gertrude's promiscuous and incestuous marriage to her late husband's brother Claudius is a symbolic attempt to gain a penis. Virginia Woolf's invented sister of Shakespeare is a symbolic penis. At the same time, few literary critics have attempted to explain character or author motivation in terms of womb envy, despite the fa... new mothers, Dimmesdale dies after delivering his sermon and confessing his sins. Chillingworth is unable to survive this loss since his dependency on Dimmesdale is unnatural. Of all the central characters, Hester, along with Pearl, is the one who strong enough to survive. Works Cited Benstock, Shari. "Of Gardens, Gold, and Little Girls." The Scarlet Letter. Murfin, Ross C., ed. Boston: St. Martin's, 1991. (292-303). Kiehl, Joanne Feit. "Re-Reading The Letter: Hawthorne, the Fetish, and the (Family Romance.: The Scarlet Letter. Murfin, Ross C., ed. Boston: St. Martin's, 1991. (235-251). Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. Murfin, Ross C., ed. boston: St. Martin's, 1991. Kittay, Eva Feder. "Mastering Envy: From Freud's Narcissistic Wounds to Bettelheim's Symbolic Wounds to a Vision of Healing." Psychoanalytic Review 82. (1995f): 125-157.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Television and Radio Is Important to Social Media Today

Television and radio is important to social media today Anthony D. Alexander, Jr COM155 Nov 24, 2012 Instructor Iaccino Television and radio has been the engines for all social media invention today. Some argue that television and radio is no longer important to social media, people believe they don’t have a need for television and radio since the Internet, cell phones and many more. Television and radio play’s a sufficient role in everyday life, rather if you use it or not.Without, television and radio there would be more people not employed. Television and radio have many of the same capabilities, but they are also different in many ways, both are very important for today social media. Television and radio has been the source to allow the many social inventions to happen today. There couldn’t be any Internet, cell phones, and smart phones, smart TV, broadcasting news, and many more. Television and radio has paved the ways for many other media today.There are pe ople who get up every morning preparing to go to work, which they would get dress and brew their coffee and hope in the car and turn on the radio: rather if it for news, weather, and nationwide morning shows: or while getting dress they turn on the television to catch some of the local or nationwide news, entertainment, and the reality show they recorded last night. Although, many don’t do this, but some do and that’s why television and radio still have the same value today as the past years.Some argue that television and radio is no longer important to social media, people believe they don’t have a need for television and radio since the Internet, cell phones and many more. Some believe the value of television and radio has extinct and no one needs it for social media today. I have asked many people if they feel this way and the majority responses where â€Å"I don’t watch TV that often and some said they â€Å"don’t have a care to listen to rad io†.Many people don’t think of how much they really use television and radio while completing my resource and asking people question about television and radio and them to compare and contrast was very interesting. By asking them these question it brought up how important both are, and how they compare and contrast. Television and radio play’s a sufficient role in everyday life, rather if you use it or not.Television and has many comparisons: they both open the door for many other social media, they both have electrical cords that plugs into a outlet, both can be use portable, both give you news, entertainment, live broadcasting, both can be used by a remote, both have speakers, both plays music, and many more. Television and radio both are also very different like: television shows a picture with voice which radio only have the voice, radio has sound waves that could be pick up anywhere and television can’t.This is what makes radio so important, many of u s has family and friends that’s fighting for our county and who is not able to watch the television to see what going on in the news, politics, sports or weather reports. Television allows a person to watch and listen, once a pond a time this was far fetch. Years ago you couldn’t tell people that we would be able to watch a picture on a little box (now big boxes). Television shows you different events, entertainment, also news and live broadcasting from all over the world. Radio works in underwater ships, and in the rain forest where there is no television.Television is one of the most expensive ways of social media, and radios are giving away free if you are able to find the right place. We would be nowhere without television and radio. If it wasn’t for television and radio, we would not know who the president is and doing for our country, if not for radio how would we known when Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, President Kennedy where killed, if it wasn’t for television how would we known and seen the OJ Simpson, D. C. murder trails, the massacre that took place at Columbine high school or the killing of Osama Bin Laden.Without, television and radio there would be more people not employed. Television and radio formed the word â€Å"celebrity† there would not be one if not for television and radio. Today there are many of actors and actress, sports players, musicians, advertisement companies, Wall Street or inventions such as computers, smart phones, Internet, cable, satellite television and radio, game systems. These items came from the root of television and radio, without these we would have no social media today. From the root of television and radio we have one of the largest social media sites there is Facebook.Facebook still incorporates television and radio every day, with advertisement on the radio and television, plus Facebook also filmed a movie about how Facebook started. Facebook would not have been what it is tod ay if it had not utilized the pioneers which are television and radio. Now, you can connect with all social media through your smart phone. Smart phone has a radio, television, and the Internet. Smart phone allows you to select application where you can do much more than a television and radio, but all are stems to the root of television.Television and radio have many of the same capabilities, but they are also different in many ways, both are very important for today social media. Television and radio has shown why they are the pioneers of social media, no social media could have ever been possible without television and radio. Television and radio should be important to your social media, The lack of television and radio means no information for use. I was one who never cared about television or radio, until I went a week without the booth and I thought I was clueless to the world.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pros and Cons of Technology in Health Care: The Case of NHS England

Abstract The focus of this study is NHS England, delving on the advantages and disadvantages of technology, specifically mobile technology in healthcare. A systematic review is conducted, using secondary data as a method of data collection. The advantages include improved cost, efficiency, effectiveness, safety, and quality in healthcare, as well as ability to address NHS’ current budget cuts in the midst of several admissions. The study does not find any disadvantages but barriers, including cost, usability, privacy issues, battery power efficiency, low interest in health information and monitoring services, and non-reliance on the available mobile technology. Recommendations include preparing nurses and other medical staff for mobile technology system in NHS England, and pursuing an evaluation study on the efficiency of mobile technology in the organisation. 1. Introduction With the advancement of technology, even the healthcare sector has eventually adopted its benefits towards better patient care. Current studies focus on curing diseases using technology and using mobile phone technology in chronic illness management (e.g. Blake, 2008). In NHS, mobile technology is used in improving the quality of health care services (NHS England).1.1 Aims and ObjectivesThis study aims to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile technology in healthcare. It also aims to highlight the extent to which NHS England uses mobile technology in care services. The objectives are the following: To conduct a survey of literature on the use of mobile technology in the healthcare practice; To pursue a systematic review in addressing the research question; To identify implications for practice and provide recommendations for future research1.2 Research QuestionThe research question that this study intends to answer is: What are the advantages and disadvantages faced by NHS England in its adoption of mobile technology? 2. Literature Review The review of literature pertains to the survey of various works and studies to find evidence to the study (Oermann and Hays, 2010). Standing and Standing (2009) emphasised that amidst the recognition of the benefits associated with the use of technology in healthcare, its widespread adoption continues to lag. The authors proposed that the major barriers to such adoption pertain to certain basic systemic issues and that its problematic adoption is caused by the fragmented health care system, inappropriate outcome measures, and conflicting incentives. The authors stressed that a systems perspective must be taken vis-a-vis using technology adoption frameworks. No statistical data were tested for hypothesis and only secondary data were used for the discussion, which enabled sufficiency of the discussion. The importance and urgency of adopting technology in healthcare was supported by Avancha et al. (2012) who claimed that the cost, efficiency, and quality of healthcare can be enhanced through information technology. With this in consideration, the authors examined mobile technology privacy requirements that can potentially transform healthcare systems. The use of mobile technology can allow physicians to monitor their patients’ health conditions in a remote manner and likewise enable individuals to also manage their own health. The authors surveyed the literature and developed a conceptual privacy framework for mobile health, which was adequate to generating conclusions. The study of Avanche et al. (2012) was contrary to that of Burley et al. (2011) in their claim of a high failure probability of information technology in healthcare. Nonetheless, they declared seeing an emerging development amongst healthcare professionals who use mobile technology in their profession. The study revealed through content analysis that individual healthcare professionals are the ones mostly making optional innovation decisions. Content analysis as a methodology to draw analysis had been appropriate for this study. Contrary to the study of Burley et al. (2011), that of Boulos et al. (2011) indicated that the overpowering computing technology of the current smartphone generation allows such technology to function as handheld computers. Contributory to this occurrence is the fact that these handheld computers are capable of large memories and application development. The authors cited Apple, Android, Windows, etc. as the available platforms for mobile computing and focused on applications (apps) that target patients and healthcare professionals in a variety of settings, such as health and lifestyle management and public health monitoring. The barriers to adopting apps for healthcare smartphone were identified as cost, usability, privacy issues, and battery power efficiency. These barriers must be taken into account when developing mobile technology in NHS. The study surveyed the literature to come up with the analysis, which had been viable to drawing inferences on the subject. Conversely, a national survey involving around 1,400 Americans demonstrated various concerns on the popularity of mobile healthcare technologies based on radio frequency identification (RFID). Positive association was found between interest in RFID personal medical technology and high trust levels associated with social support. The study revealed overwhelming interest in nascent intervention services but not much in the areas of health information and monitoring (Katz and Rice, 2009). This is contrary to that of Boulos et al. (2011) which highlighted health and lifestyle management and public health monitoring as areas of healthcare mobile technology. The survey was an appropriate methodology for this study to produce the desired outcomes. Similar to Avanche et al. (2012) and Boulos et al. (2011), Brady et al. (2012) stated that mobile phones help in boosting the efficiency of clinical communication and are becoming more progressively involved in healthcare delivery. However, it was found that pathogenic bacteria can reside in healthcare workers’ mobile phones and could further magnify when doctors bring additional communication electronic devices without the necessary guidance on use and decontamination. The study involved 87 mobile phones owned by doctors, sampled for bacterial growth and discovered that 87 percent of doctors knew that such bacteria could in fact reside in their phones but only 8 percent cleaned them on a regular basis. The conclusion suggested simple cleaning remedies to decrease the possibility of cross-contamination from mobile phones. The methodology adopted was appropriate to the generation of expected results. The actor-network theory offers perspectives for understanding people and their interactions with inanimate objects, i.e. mobile technology. Cresswell et al. (2010) argued that being informed by this theory can provide beneficial outcomes to healthcare services research, particularly to complex IT systems. The actor-network theory can enable an understanding of the manner in which social effects are generated as a result of the relationship between various actors within the network. The method used by the authors is descriptive, which is suitable to the contents of the topic. 3. Research Methodology3.1 Research DesignThe research methodology purports to address the research questions and aims and objectives identified in this study. The qualitative research design is pursued in order to properly tackle the advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology in healthcare. This research design focuses on creating meanings in processes and producing inductive analysis (Bryman and Bell, 2003).3.2 Data Collection MethodThe data collection method being utilised in the study is secondary, which indicates the use of secondary sources only, such as books, academic journals, and online resources. Secondary data collection method is defined as the method in which the researcher uses non-original data for a specific purpose not originally intended by the one who has collected it (Grinnell et al., 2012). In this study, all secondary data are intended for the purposes of addressing the research question. The study takes on a desk-based approach as it adopts a systematic review, which is a method used in understanding broad prices of information and contributing to the answers to questions (Jesson et al., 2011).3.3 Inclusion and Exclusion CriteriaThe search for literature is done using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria for the survey of literature include data published from 2009 up to 2014, discussing mobile technology in healthcare in the UK and other countries. The exclusion criteria are therefore data published in 2008 and older.3.4 Search ApproachThe search engines used are Google, Scholar Google, and Books Google. The search is limited to â€Å"mobile technology in healthcare† and â€Å"mobile technology in NHS.† 4. Research Results Recent news indicates that the National Health Service is utilising smartphone technology to help nurses deal more efficiently with patients and improve the quality of healthcare in the organisation (Watson, 2014). NHS is at the moment facing budget cuts and increasing admissions, making its professionals of all levels to become beleaguered to do more with less resources (See Appendix-A). Increased efficiency, patient care, and reduced cost are anchored on targeted investment in certain identified areas of healthcare settings. The NHS Nursing Technology Fund is one recent initiative in this regard, which provides some hope for NHS and the forefront of health services to improve its overall care delivery (NHS England, 2014). The Prime Minister announced in 2012 that the Nursing Technology Fund will be launched to support nurses and other medical staff toward optimising the use of digital technology in all aspects of care settings in order to realise safer, more efficient, and more ef fective care delivery (NHS England, 2014). Recent information submitted to NHS England also stressed that notwithstanding NHS’ planned paperless healthcare setting by 2018 (See Appendix-B), continued reliance on handwritten notes and hallway conversations to discuss patient condition are still being carried out by majority of nurses and other medical staff in NHS (Watson, 2014). This indicates lack of preparedness and exposure to mobile technology, which by this time must already be carried out amongst healthcare professionals. 5. Findings and Recommendations Watson’s (2014) article about utilising smartphone technology to help nurses toward more efficient care delivery and improved healthcare quality in NHS is congruent to that of Avancha et al. (2012), which emphasised the importance of information technology to improve cost, quality, and efficiency in healthcare. The adoption of mobile technology, given this description by Avancha et al., would enable tackling its current budget cuts in the midst of increasing admissions. This is one advantage of mobile technology system for NHS. The hope for increased quality of care and safer and more effective care delivery through NHS Nursing Technology Fund is also parallel to the studies of Boulos et al. (2011), Avancha et al. (2012), and Brady et al. (2012). However, Watson’s (2014) article on the continued reliance of nurses and other medical staff on handwritten notes and hallway conversations rather than on mobile technology to discuss patient condition are not harmonising wit h the discussions of these authors who highlighted the various advantages that a healthcare setting can draw from mobile technology. It only means that at this stage, NHS is not yet fully utilising the benefits of mobile technology despite the availability of this technology now. The actor-network theory supports NHS’ inclination towards adopting mobile technology in healthcare services with its understanding of the network occupied by humans and their interactions with inanimate objects, i.e. IT systems (Cresswell et al., 2010). The literature did not cite disadvantages to adopting mobile technology in healthcare; instead, it cited certain barriers to ease of adoption, such as that of Boulos et al. (2011) who mentioned cost, usability, privacy issues, and battery power efficiency, as well as Katz and Rice (2009) who suggested lack of interest in health information and monitoring services. In his article for The Guardian, Watson (2014) also indicated that despite the planned paperless organisation by 2018, nurses and other staff at the NHS had not really relied on the already available technology for fundamental patient information. Recommendations for the study include the following: Prepare nurses and other medical staff for mobile technology system in NHS England by implementing a policy on its ultimate use. This policy will enable nurses and medical staff in NHS to be thoroughly accustomed to the system until the full adoption of paperless healthcare setting by 2018. Pursue an evaluation study on the efficiency of mobile technology in NHS. This study will be centered on the extent to which mobile technology system has been effective for NHS. 6. Conclusion This study has centred on the advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology in healthcare, with specific emphasis on NHS England. A systematic review is carried out to fulfill the aims and objectives as well as the research question of the study. The findings identified such advantages as improved health care quality, improvement in the areas of cost and efficiency, being able to tackle NHS’ current budget cuts in the midst of enormous admissions, and safer and more effective care delivery. The study did not identify certain disadvantages to such adoption but cited barriers instead, including cost, usability, privacy issues, and battery power efficiency. Additional barriers include lack of interest in health information and monitoring services as well as non-reliance on the already available technology. Implications for practice include further research toward improved technology innovation in healthcare, and training and expertise in using mobile technology as a fundamental aspect of quality and safe healthcare. References Avancha, S., Baxi, A., and Kotz, D. (2012) Privacy in Mobile Technology for Personal Healthcare. Journal of ACM Computing Surveys, 45 (1). Blake, H. (2008) Mobile Phone Technology in Chronic Disease Management. Nursing Standard, 23 (12), 43-46. Blogger, R. (2011) Cameron is Spending Less on the NHS Than Even Thatcher Would Have. Accessed on 19 November 2014 from Boulos, M. N. K., Wheeler, S., Tavares, C., and Jones R. (2011) How Smartphones Are Changing the Face of Mobile and Participatory Healthcare: An Overview with Example from eCAALYX. Biomedical Engineering Online. Accessed on 18 November from Brady, R. R. W., Chitnis, S., Stewart, R. W., Graham, C., Yalamirthi, S., and Morris, K. (2012) NHS Connecting for Health: Healthcare Professionals, Mobile technology, and Infection Control. Telemedicine and e-Health, 18 (4). Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2003) Business Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Burley, L., Scheepers, H., and Fisher, J. (2011) Diffusion of Mobile Technology in Healthcare. Accessed on 18 November from Creswell, K. M., Worth, A., and Sheick, A. (2010) Actor-Network Theory and Its Role in Understanding the Implementation of Information Technology Developments in Healthcare. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 10: 67, doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-10-67. Grinnell, R. M., Gabor, P. A., and Unrau, Y. A. (2012) Program Evaluation for Social Workers: Foundations of Evidence-Based Programs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Jesson, J. K., Matheson, L., and Lacey, F. M. (2011) Doing Your Literature Review: Traditional and Systematic Techniques. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Katz, J. E. and Rice, R. E. (2009) Public Views of Mobile Medical Devices and Services: A US National Survey of Consumer Sentiments towards RFID Healthcare technology. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 78 (2), 1014-114. [NHS] National Health Service (2012) Digital Technology Essentials Guide. London: QIPP Digital Technology. NHS England (2014) High Quality Care for All, Now and For Future Generations. Accessed on 18 November 2014 from file:///G:/WRITE%20ENTERPRISE/8819%20PROS%20AND%20CONS%20TECHNOLOGY/SOURCE%20OF%20NHS.htm Oermann, M. and Hays, J. (2010) Writing for Publication in Nursing. Second Edition. NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC. Watson, S. (2014) Mobile Technology Will Nurse the NHS Back to Health. The Guardian. Accessed on 18 November 2014 from