Sunday, September 15, 2019

Organzational Behavior

Clarification is the first step towards understanding dynamics of conflict within the work place. Exploring the various types of conflict should be used as a precursor to approach the differences between constructive and destructive conflict. Understanding how organizations can enhance employee strengths under varying conditions is reinforced through good communication skills in the conflict management process. Communication emphasizes the need for self-understanding and self-management for the conflict resolution process to work.The techniques of Indirect Conflict Management and Direct Conflict Management help in dealing with specific problems such as hostile individuals, personality conflicts, etc. are best used as a guide and should not be taken literal as each individual presents varying issues. Destructive conflict works as a disadvantage to employees, groups and organizations. Destructive conflict affects group efforts needed for team building, and creates hostility resulting i n a hostile environment. Constructive conflict is a beneficial factor for some organizations in which groups address issues and make decisions to provide an opportunities for improvement.Conflict-management appropriately models professional standards so that every employee may effectively progress in a professional manner appropriate for the workplace. Indirect conflict management approaches share the common quality of avoiding direct dealings with personalities. They include reduced interdependence, appeals to common goals, hierarchical referral, and alterations in the use of mythology and scripts (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, p. 349). Reduced Interdependence creates a systematic approach by eliminating conflict by separating groups in which require interaction.By spreading or reducing contact with one another resolution is believed to be resolved. As an alternative to reduced interdependence another indirect approach is assigning a liaison to facilitate activities among gro ups to smooth the process creating conflict. Conflict is given a common perspective by directing the attention towards a focus of appealing to common goals as opposed to conflict. Hierarchy referral is used to provide employees with alternatives to conflict when the appropriate steps or conflict resolution is unattainable.Providing a smoke screen, Altering scripts and Myths is utilized when resolution has been unattainable. Approaching common goals indirect conflict management uses a system of individuals in ranking positions above one another. This strategy uses a chain of command for resolutions lacking the interpersonal relationship needed for team building. However, the organizational dynamics of indirect conflict can be useful when there is no direct conflict, and the plans recommended by a primary leader require guidance.Direct conflict management utilizes five methods of managing conflict smoothing or accommodation, collaboration and problem solving, compromise, avoidance, an d competition and authoritative command. â€Å"The five approaches to conflict management are described from the perspective of their relative emphasis on cooperativeness and assertiveness in the relationship† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, p. 349). Maintaining working relationships, direct conflict identifies the underlying issues first proceeded by utilizing systematic actions agreeable for all parties.Smoothing requires a mediator in which allows all parties to address the issues experienced and identify the dynamics of the conflict. Accommodating gives the power to ease conflict by obliging and exploring possibilities of resolution. Smoothing and accommodating prepares and facilitates the methods of Collaboration and Problem Solving seeks true satisfaction of everyone's concerns by working through differences, finding and solving problems so that everyone gains results. (Schermerhorn, Hunt, ; Osborn, 2008).Compromise is an essential effort in which requires an agree ment of resolution without it the likelihood of conflict is possible. In a win-lose conflict some employees may still not be satisfied with the mediation in which one party submits to the compromise to avoid further conflict. â€Å"Avoidance may be used when an issue is trivial, when more important issues are pressing, or when people need to cool down temporarily and regain perspective† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, ; Osborn, 2008, p. 351).All contributing information should be considered in mediation whereas some issues are personality conflicts in which do not apply to issues work related. Placing the conflicting ideas into perspective is advisable at best so long as it does not pose further immediate conflict. â€Å"Competition and Authoritative Command is working against the wishes of the other party, fighting to dominate in win-lose competition, and/or forcing things to a favorable conclusion through the exercise of authority† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, ; Osborn, 2008, p. 49). A uthoritative command is best utilized when immediate action is needed to firmly establish direction in conflict resolution. Understanding the mutual purpose of an organization is beneficial for teambuilding and management. Direct strategies incorporate team building to identify organizations success in business and working relationships. Firmly established leadership abilities are essential to mediate direct conflict.

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