Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Television and Radio Is Important to Social Media Today

Television and radio is important to social media today Anthony D. Alexander, Jr COM155 Nov 24, 2012 Instructor Iaccino Television and radio has been the engines for all social media invention today. Some argue that television and radio is no longer important to social media, people believe they don’t have a need for television and radio since the Internet, cell phones and many more. Television and radio play’s a sufficient role in everyday life, rather if you use it or not.Without, television and radio there would be more people not employed. Television and radio have many of the same capabilities, but they are also different in many ways, both are very important for today social media. Television and radio has been the source to allow the many social inventions to happen today. There couldn’t be any Internet, cell phones, and smart phones, smart TV, broadcasting news, and many more. Television and radio has paved the ways for many other media today.There are pe ople who get up every morning preparing to go to work, which they would get dress and brew their coffee and hope in the car and turn on the radio: rather if it for news, weather, and nationwide morning shows: or while getting dress they turn on the television to catch some of the local or nationwide news, entertainment, and the reality show they recorded last night. Although, many don’t do this, but some do and that’s why television and radio still have the same value today as the past years.Some argue that television and radio is no longer important to social media, people believe they don’t have a need for television and radio since the Internet, cell phones and many more. Some believe the value of television and radio has extinct and no one needs it for social media today. I have asked many people if they feel this way and the majority responses where â€Å"I don’t watch TV that often and some said they â€Å"don’t have a care to listen to rad io†.Many people don’t think of how much they really use television and radio while completing my resource and asking people question about television and radio and them to compare and contrast was very interesting. By asking them these question it brought up how important both are, and how they compare and contrast. Television and radio play’s a sufficient role in everyday life, rather if you use it or not.Television and has many comparisons: they both open the door for many other social media, they both have electrical cords that plugs into a outlet, both can be use portable, both give you news, entertainment, live broadcasting, both can be used by a remote, both have speakers, both plays music, and many more. Television and radio both are also very different like: television shows a picture with voice which radio only have the voice, radio has sound waves that could be pick up anywhere and television can’t.This is what makes radio so important, many of u s has family and friends that’s fighting for our county and who is not able to watch the television to see what going on in the news, politics, sports or weather reports. Television allows a person to watch and listen, once a pond a time this was far fetch. Years ago you couldn’t tell people that we would be able to watch a picture on a little box (now big boxes). Television shows you different events, entertainment, also news and live broadcasting from all over the world. Radio works in underwater ships, and in the rain forest where there is no television.Television is one of the most expensive ways of social media, and radios are giving away free if you are able to find the right place. We would be nowhere without television and radio. If it wasn’t for television and radio, we would not know who the president is and doing for our country, if not for radio how would we known when Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, President Kennedy where killed, if it wasn’t for television how would we known and seen the OJ Simpson, D. C. murder trails, the massacre that took place at Columbine high school or the killing of Osama Bin Laden.Without, television and radio there would be more people not employed. Television and radio formed the word â€Å"celebrity† there would not be one if not for television and radio. Today there are many of actors and actress, sports players, musicians, advertisement companies, Wall Street or inventions such as computers, smart phones, Internet, cable, satellite television and radio, game systems. These items came from the root of television and radio, without these we would have no social media today. From the root of television and radio we have one of the largest social media sites there is Facebook.Facebook still incorporates television and radio every day, with advertisement on the radio and television, plus Facebook also filmed a movie about how Facebook started. Facebook would not have been what it is tod ay if it had not utilized the pioneers which are television and radio. Now, you can connect with all social media through your smart phone. Smart phone has a radio, television, and the Internet. Smart phone allows you to select application where you can do much more than a television and radio, but all are stems to the root of television.Television and radio have many of the same capabilities, but they are also different in many ways, both are very important for today social media. Television and radio has shown why they are the pioneers of social media, no social media could have ever been possible without television and radio. Television and radio should be important to your social media, The lack of television and radio means no information for use. I was one who never cared about television or radio, until I went a week without the booth and I thought I was clueless to the world.

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