Friday, September 13, 2019

The development of the welfare state with emphasis on the national Essay

The development of the welfare state with emphasis on the national health service - Essay Example It is therefore important to note that the government generally ensures its citizens are protected and leads a good life. It is also important to note that the development of the welfare state was very important since it did not only provide relief to the people who were suffering from different illness in terms of provision of cheaper healthcare but also improved the living standards in general. However, before the development of the welfare state, conditions of living was very poor especially healthcare and the life expectancy was very low. Life in the Victorian era During the Victorian time, the young were very much at risk. It is important to note that during this time the young especially the infants and children below the age of 14 recorded the highest deaths. Children suffered from a variety of infectious diseases which included; diarrhea, small pox, measles, whooping cough as well as croup which was very difficult to treat (Heath and White, 2000 p.18). It is also important to note that the government didn’t take a major role in the provision of healthcare. Among the diseases listed above, measles emerged as one of the most dangerous diseases to the children claiming up to fifty percent of the total deaths caused by the diseases. It was also evident that the fatality rate decreases with the increasing age and hence it was easy for an adult to survive than for a young individual. In this context, the survival rate was low and hence mothers gave birth to many children as an attempt to ensure that when others die, others finally remain and hence they increase their chances of having at least some children. This condition was very bad in the rural areas with fever being the worst disease that affected children. They believed that fever was not treatable and if a child suffering from fever survived, it is only by chance but chances were limited (Heath and White, 2000 p.18). Even though there was subsequent increase in immunity with the increasing age, other factors that were detrimental to health came into play. It was evident that the people at the work place were not taken care of well especially with regard to occupational safety (Heath and White, 2000 p.20). It is therefore important to note that the older individuals were not spared either because of the susceptibility to other diseases and infections from the environment which was not well protected. People were subjected to dusts during work since there was no legislation to guide and protect the people against these factors. Accidents were increasing from the improper use of machines and exposure to dangerous chemicals and other unsafe gases and equipment. All these increased the susceptibility of the older people to diseases and other infections and hence death was also high among the adults. However, it is important to note tat it was not comparable to the children. During the period commencing the year 1838, the condition began to improve due to the improved healthcare and hence the death rate reduced at a great deal (Heath and White, 2000 p.25). There was also improved diet and sanitation and hence the living standards were taken to a new level. Better medical care resulted into the reduction in the death rates for people over the ages of fourteen and the level of occupational risks were also reducing as well. However, it is important to note that even after the improvements were affected, the poor were not benefiting and hence the level of deaths were not

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